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Self-Care Builder
Course Introduction
Course Introduction and How to Use (2:29)
Getting into the Self-Care Mindset (6:56)
Time Management (6:55)
Phase 1-Building the Foundation
Water (5:13)
Dry Brushing (2:02)
Hot Towel Scrub (2:19)
Hot Water Bottle (1:27)
Breathing (2:49)
Video: Breathing Exercises (4:36)
Epsom Salt Bath (1:58)
Phase 2-Emotional Self-Care
Sleep (8:18)
Coping Mechanisms (5:46)
Journaling (3:45)
Meditation (6:04)
Video: Unguided meditations for newbies (5:07)
The Effects of Caffeine and Poor Nutrition (14:55)
Phase 3-Putting it all Together
Morning Routines (4:41)
Bedtime Routines (2:24)
Learning to Listen to Yourself (17:26)
"What do I Need?" Exercise (3:10)
Setting up Your Self-Care Regulars (4:04)
Recommended Resources
Getting into the Self-Care Mindset
2-Self-Care Course-Module 1-Getting into the self-care mindset .pptx
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